Richard Bandler is well known for his work in NLP, or neuro linguistic
He is credited with being one of the creators of NLP and has
written several self improvement books on the topic.
He has also developed other
methods of understanding and changing human behavior that includes Design Human
Engineering and Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning.
Background and Education of Richard Bandler

Richard Bandler
(Richard Wayne Bandler) was born on February 24, 1950. He attended college in
California where he obtained degrees in psychology and philosophy from the
University of California and a masters in psychology from Lone Mountain College.
It was during the 1970s that Bandler began working on the development of NLP at
the University of California along with John Grinder, Milton Erikson, and
Gregory Bateson.
NLP began as a study that tried to determine why some
psychotherapists were successful while others were not.
Eventually the focus of
the research shifted into a brand new field of its own based upon modeling.
Modeling is a skill that is used to change human behaviors and is a fundamental
component of neuro linguistic programming.
Richard Bandler and NLP
Richard Bandler was involved in the leading personal development movements
of his time and drew from the works of Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir among
others. He developed specific techniques his clients could use to improve their
lives such as modeling, anchoring, and reframing.
Modeling taught his
patients to observe and copy the behaviors of successful people. Anchoring is a
technique that associates a memory with a sensory stimulus so when the stimulus
occurs the response is triggered by reflex. Another self improvement tip in NLP
is the process of reframing that is based upon the work of Satir and Erikson and
it simply involves framing a problem in a different perspective, so new
possibilities can be realized.
Richard Bandler received both praise
and criticism for his self help advice. While his methods proved to be
successful, others sometimes misused them. Even Bandler and his co-inventor of
NLP John Grinder were in disagreement over how to use NLP and brand it.
Consequently, NLP came to be used to label different approaches, lawsuits were
filed, and Bandler and Grinder eventually went their separate ways.
the 1990s, Bandler had resolved many of his issues and NLP was seen once again
as a professional therapy rather than what has been called 'New Age mumbo
jumbo'. In 2000, Bandler and Grinder reached an agreement where they would not
disparage each other's approach to NLP and would share the title of co-creator
of the personal development technique.
Today the technique of NLP is used
by many self improvement authors and speakers such as Tony Robbins and Paul
Books and Audios by Richard Bandler

- 'The Structure of Magic, Volume I: A Book About Language and
Therapy' was written by Bandler and Grinder and was published
in 1975. This book was written to help therapists understand
how patients create inner models of the world so they can deal
with and react to life experiences. It is based on the NLP
principle of the meta model that deals with how language
affects perception and behavior.
If you click on
the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 4.5 stars out
of 5.

- 'The Structure of
Magic II: A Book About Communication and Change' was also
published in 1975 and is a continuation of the ideas presented
in 'Magic l' except the focus is on NLP and nonverbal
If you click on the image to the
left it will open a new tab/window on,
where users have given this book 4 stars out of 5. |

- 'Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques
of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1' was published in 1975 by
a publishing company founded by Richard Bandler called Meta
Publications. Volume ll was published in 1977. As the titles
suggest, these books detail the techniques used by Erickson
such as trance induction and trance work including

- 'Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic
Programming' was originally published in 1979 and was the
first book to bring NLP to the average person. NLP had
previously been used among psychology professionals and
through 'Frogs into Princes' Bandler made it possible for
people to learn and use his personal development advice to
improve their lives. This is still one of the more popular
self help books on the market today and is as powerful now as
it was then, since it gives readers specific techniques, such
as anchoring and reframing, to use for personal development.

- 'Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the
Structure of Hypnosis' was published in 1981. This is
considered one of the best personal development books related
to NLP, and one that many later books were built upon. This
teaches readers how language influences outcomes in behavior
and is the foundation of NLP itself.

- 'Reframing:
Neurolinguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning'
was published in 1983 and contains reframing techniques that
aren't used as much by Richard Bandler today. Reframing is the
use of verbal and nonverbal cues to shift meaning. It allows
users to look at their models of life from a different

- 'Using Your Brain for a Change' was
published in 1985 and is a compilation of lectures by Richard
Bandler. The personal development advice in this book
instructs readers in various NLP techniques such as swish and
reprogramming. These methods help eliminate destructive habit
thoughts and replace them with positive thinking.

- 'Magic
In Action' was published in 1992. This book gives readers an
idea of how a therapy session with Richard Bandler works. One
of his self help tips is to use humor to bring about positive
change because humor can help clients get unstuck from
habitual thoughts. Bandler shows how he uses humor and NLP to
bring about quick change in his clients.

- 'Time for a Change' is another of the popular self improvement books by
Richard Bandler. Published in 1993, it contains positive
suggestions about how to use trance time to clear out
programmed thoughts and behaviors.

- 'The Adventures of
Anybody' was published in 1993 and is written like a fairy
tale and is accompanied by beautiful illustrations. The
fictional story is written using hypnotic language and is
designed to bring about positive changes in the readers.

- 'Persuasion Engineering'
is a book based on NLP and verbal persuasion as it
relates to daily life and the sales process.
Readers will learn how communication can be
deliberately used to get the desired results in
business and perhaps increase income as a result.
This book by Richard Bandler was published in

- 'Get The Life You Want:
The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with
Neuro-Linguistic Programming' is one of the newest personal
development books by Richard Bandler. It was published in 2008
and contains over 35 techniques readers can use to get rid of
bad habits and traumas. This self help advice can be used to
stop smoking, overcome phobias, stop addictions, improve
relationships, and increase income. The NLP techniques Richard
Bandler teaches bring about quick change in many cases, so
long drawn out therapy sessions or expensive drugs can be
The book can
also be bought as an ebook in the flexible Amazon
Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac, Android
smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to check
out the Kindle ebook on, please click this
link: Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming

- 'Richard Bandler's Guide to
Trance-formation: How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to
Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change' was also published in
2008. This book contains case studies and NLP exercises
designed to make positive changes. Bandler offers self help
advice that teaches readers to identify their trances,
eliminate destructive ones, and replace them with new and
better programming.
The book can also be bought as an ebook in the
flexible Amazon Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac,
Android smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to
check out the Kindle ebook on, please click
this link: Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation: How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change

- 'Make Your Life Great' is a book
and DVD that was published in 2009 and delivers the most
powerful personal development advice derived from 37 years in
the development of NLP. Richard Bandler uses this book to
teach readers simple yet powerful exercises that will help
them create great lives as successful, happy people.

- 'The Secrets of Being Happy, The Technology of Hope, Health
and Harmony' is another of the personal development books by
Richard Bandler targeted towards individual readers. He
teaches the average person his techniques for reaching a state
of happiness that he suggests is as simple as flipping a
switch if you follow his advice. The life changing tactics he
teaches are all based on neuro linguistic programming. This
book was published in 2011.
The book can also be bought as an
ebook in the flexible Amazon Kindle format (which
works on PC, Mac, Android smartphone & tablet, iPad
and iPhone) - to check out the Kindle ebook on, please click this link: The Secrets of Being Happy, The Technology of Hope, Health and Harmony
Richard Bandler audios are
also available. Many of his books are published in audio book
form and he also has produced audio CDs such as 'Self Esteem -
Rhythm Trance,' 'Time Out of Your Mind (Time Distortion),' 'Adventures
in Multiple Timelines,' and 'Propulsion Systems.' These CDs
contain trance music and guided trance work.
Richard Bandler Today
Richard Bandler continues to be very
active spreading his personal development advice as related to
He continues to release new books, audios, and
He also holds workshops in various locations
around the world such as Orlando, London, and Rome.
addition, Bandler has a system in place that certifies NLP
practitioners, so help can be obtained from one of his
students locally, if it is needed beyond reading his books.
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